

 db link ¼¼¼Ç ¸ð´ÏÅ͸µ
2017-06-21 15:57:00, Á¶È¸ : 6,653, Ãßõ : 1294 |

************************ db link ¼¼¼Ç ¸ð´ÏÅ͸µ ************************
1. local site ¿¡¼ remote ÀÇ 100¸¸°Ç Å×À̺íÀ» select ÇßÀ»°æ¿ì
Select /*+ ORDERED */ substr(s.ksusemnm, 1, 10) || '-' || substr(s.ksusepid, 1, 10) "ORIGIN", substr(g.K2GTITID_ORA, 1, 35) "GTXID", substr(s.indx, 1, 4) || '.' || substr(s.ksuseser, 1, 5) "LSESSION", substr(decode(bitand(ksuseidl, 11), 1, 'ACTIVE', 0, decode(bitand(ksuseflg, 4096), 0, 'INACTIVE', 'CACHED'), 2, 'SNIPED', 3, 'SNIPED', 'KILLED'), 1, 1) "S", substr(event, 1, 10) "WAITING" from x$k2gte g, x$ktcxb t, x$ksuse s, v$session_wait w where g.K2GTDXCB = t.ktcxbxba and g.K2GTDSES = t.ktcxbses and s.addr = g.K2GTDSES and w.sid = s.indx
########## On local site ORIGIN GTXID LSESSION S WAITING ------------------------------ ------------------------------ ----------------------------- ---- ---------------------------------------- MSHOMEPAR-2284:2792 ADM1Q.8d6cf5d2.2.19.21959 151.474 I SQL*Net me
########## On remote site ORIGIN GTXID LSESSION S WAITING ------------------------------ ------------------------------ ------------------------------ -- -------------------- adm01-10481 ADM1Q.8d6cf5d2.2.19.21959 524.36185 I SQL*Net me